Monday, January 13, 2014

Another Very Good day!

The scales stayed steady today, which is always encouraging.

This morning I made my first juice from 1/4 pineapple, one orange and one mango.  It was very good and very satisfying.

I used the pulp from this juice for dinner for my kids.  I put boneless, skinless chicken thigh strips in a pan with the pulp, added a couple tablespoons of brown sugar and balsamic vinegar and some Fiesta Lime Mrs. Dash seasoning.  It all cooked together very nicely in a bit of olive oil and gave them a wholesome, no salt, no preservatives dinner that was tasty.  They loved it!!!  We served it over rice.  Not the best choice for rices, but I have to use up what I have on hand.

I did notice today that my hair was coming out in an alarming quantity.  I have very thin hair to begin with and cannot afford to lose more.  So, I determined I would eat a chicken breast in the hopes that the protein would stem the loss.  I cooked it with garlic cloves and onions in a bit of olive oil.  It was tasty, but I could hardly eat half of it.  I'm just not sure I'll be able to eat chicken everyday in an effort to save my hair.  So, I may have to consider either a wig or scarves.  Once I can get to a healthy weight, adding beans and nuts for protein will be easier to do.

So, I am not sure what will happen with my hair, but for now, if I lose it, that's ok.  It will come back.  And if a few months with fewer hairs is what it takes, then so be it!  I'm loving the juicing.  I love being able to eat a salad if I feel the need and I love the freedom of not measuring and weighing my foods.  I'm juicing on!!


1 comment:

  1. I love you attitude about the hair loss.
    instead of using IT as an excuse to stop your progress to meet your goals.
    you are hitting it head on
